Mikvah Stories: True Stories of Women Overcoming Today’s Challenges SOFTCOVER
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“Mikvah is a mitzvah that connects us to all Jewish women, past and present. And yet, it sometimes feels like each time we go we are flying solo.
By gathering these stories from women of all ages and stages, Chaya Raichik shines light on one of the deepest aspects of a Jewish woman's spiritual life.The power of these recollections lies in their real and raw form; there are no over romanticized Infomercials for Mikvah usage in this collection. It's pure, unvarnished devotion as encased in the quotidian details of life that leaps off of every page.Brava, Chaya!"
– Rivky Slonim, author of Total Immersion
Enjoy this collection of modern-day Mikvah stories.
Women just like you who persevered to keep the mitzvah of Taharas Hamishpacha…in ordinary and not-so-ordinary circumstances.
Come along on a journey as you read about their endurance and faith through physical, mental or emotional obstacles. Savor one story at a time or devour them all.
Find out how the determination of Jewish women to keep their special mitzvah is still alive and burning.